This program is designed to encourage current students to engage in research/scholarship under the direction of a CNUCOP faculty member. This is the 9th year for our CNUCOP fellowship program!

Fellowship Program Overview

The College of Pharmacy will offer a total of Six Summer Research Fellowships to P1 and/or P2 students under the following categories (at least one fellowship will be awarded per category).

1) PBS faculty-sponsored research fellowship, which would be under the direction of a faculty member in the Department of Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Sciences (PBS).

2) CAS/EE faculty-sponsored research fellowship, which would be under the direction of a faculty member in the Clinical & Administrative Sciences Department (CAS) or the Experiential Education (EE) Department.

Application Process Overview - Detailed Instructions

  • Select a faculty mentor(s) – see below – and confirm they are willing/able to work with you. Ask them to sign the signature page form.
  • Complete the application form (respond to the 4 prompts AND state why you would like to work with the faculty mentor(s) that you chose).
  • Submit the following before 5 pm on January 31st, 2025.

The following faculty members (see next page) can be selected as potential mentors (note that you can select up to 2 potential faculty mentors). You must let faculty members know you are interested in working with them/get their signature(s) on the signature page form AND state why you would like to work with them on the application form (200 words or less for each mentor).

Faculty member name, dept

Contact information

Area(s) of research interest

Links to related publications

Fakhrul Ahsan, PBS

Pulmonary arterial hypertension, organ on a chip, 3D printer drug manufacture

My Bibliography - NCBI (

Xiaodong Feng, CAS

Clinical meta-analysis, scoping review, survey study,

Linh Ho, PBS

Drug development for metabolic disorders and pulmonary hypertension, acetylation/deacetylation, mitochondrial Sirtuins

James Jin, PBS

Cardiac fibrosis, cardiac endothelial cell viability and barrier functions

Tarek Kassem

Community outreach/service learning based research

Uyen Le

Pharmaceutics research, educational research

Eugene Kreys, CAS

Clinical database research, 

Justin Lenhard, CAS

Microbiology, antimicrobial resistance, antimicrobial PKPD

Ashim Malhotra, PBS

pancreatic cancer, mitochondrial dysfunction,  

Welly Mente

Use of virtual reality to enhance IPPE preparedness  

Hiep Nguyen

Drug design, formulation, fabrication  

Peter Tenerelli, CAS

Value and outcomes in pharmacy practice research  

Tuan Tran, CAS

Public health data analytics, machine learning and predictive models  

Ruth Vinall, PBS

Bladder cancer, understanding pathophysiology and mechanisms of chemoresistance

My Bibliography - NCBI (

Hongbin Wang, PBS

melanoma cancer research, Complement research



***Please look under the ‘faculty’ tab on our CNUCOP webpage to find faculty member biographies and research interests***

A student selected to participate in the fellowship program will have successfully demonstrated an excellent academic record. The student should also have a serious interest in pursuing a career involving a research component after completion of their PharmD degree (i.e., post-PharmD). Such career paths could include, but are not limited to:

  1. Post-PharmD residencies and fellowships,
  2. Future PharmD faculty positions,
  3. PharmD careers in the pharmaceutical industry.

Note that students who accept a summer research fellowship are not obligated to a particular career path after obtaining their PharmD degree.

This summer fellowship opportunity is for current first and second year students in the CNUCOP program.

A stipend will be provided to student awardees to support up to 160 hours of work on the research project. This will be paid as an hourly wage through the CNU payroll system. The project start and dates will be decided by the awardee and their faculty mentor and both must fall within the year the award is made

Applications will be de-identified then reviewed and ranked by members of the CNUCOP research committee under the guidance of Dr. Vinall (Assistant Dean for Research). The fellowship award winners will be selected based on the student’s academic record, personal statement, letter of recommendation, as well as overall motivation and interest in research/scholarship. Dr. Vinall will notify awardees by March 1st, 2023..

Student Awardees are expected to give an oral presentation summarizing their summer research findings to the CNUCOP faculty as well as submit a written report. Acceptance of a CNUCOP summer research fellowship precludes work on another research fellowship during the same time period.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Ruth Vinall, Ph.D.
Assistant Dean for Research
Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Sciences
Office Number 241
Phone: (916) 686-8532

By partnering with PioneerRx Pharmacy Software, our program allows students to learn in a real-world environment using the most installed software for independent pharmacies. Students enhance their clinical and functional skills by training in a pharmacy system that is innovative, robust, and feature-rich.