The purpose of independent study elective course is to provide interested students with an opportunity to collaborate with faculty on research projects. Note that faculty members who wish to offer an independent study elective course must receive permission from their Department Chair prior to the deadline for syllabus submission for the semester during which the elective will be offered.Interested students should submit a brief summary (<500 words) describing the reasons why they want to take an independent study elective and any previous research experience to the faculty member offering the elective and the independent study elective course coordinator (Dr. Ruth Vinall, ) at least 2 weeks before the deadline for elective selection. The interested student then meets with the appropriate faculty member, and the student and faculty determine the nature and scope of the project to be completed. The course coordinator will notify students whether they can enroll in the independent study elective course at least one week before the elective registration deadline and then provide the names of accepted students to the Asst Dean of Academic Affairs and the Registrar.